Sunday, March 13, 2011

Updates on vida...

Went to Athens last weekend...what I learned...
-"In Greece it's all about who you know" This is what I learned from our new Athenian friend, Notis, whom I met through my aunt. He was great and toured us around Athens and the coast. This was the definite highlight of my trip because we got to do and see things that tourists usually don't get to see. And, we got the inside scoop on life in Athens...hence the Greece it's about who you know. We got to celebrate Carnival in Athens in Plaka, which is super cute! Great weekend!

Stayed in Barcelona this weekend and visited the Dali museum...EPIC. He is one cooky fella, but it makes me love him and his art that much more. My favorite museum by far. Dad...this is the one and only museum I would actually take as long as you do to see ;)  Here's what we concluded: its where a kid's museum meets maturity, if that makes sense. Props Dali, your stuff is great.

Photos to come...

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